Joomla website modification and customization

Design Integration and Template Development:

MGSwebSourcing design the eye-pleasing layout which reflect the concept behind it, once design is ready it is then integrated with Joomla to provide you a fully functional Joomla website. Our Joomla pioneers are capable of integrating seamlessly any new or existing design in your Joomla based website and ensure that your Joomla website loads faster with SEO friendly coding.

Joomla Extension:

Joomla Extension helps to include extra functionality or extend your joomla services. We can develop custom Joomla Extensions based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture and can modify in the core extension available in the Joomla library to deliver a fully installable/reusable extension.

Other Joomla Services:

  • Mobile Website
  • Migration to Joomla
  • Latest Joomla version Upgrade
  • Portal : eCommerce, Community, Social Network, Real-Estate, Multi-lingual support.
  • Website Maintenance
  • Special Functionality development: Photo/video gallery, Squeeze page and Landing page setup, testimonial, forums, blog, payment gateway, support system integration.


  • Search Engine Optimized
  • Custom Extensions and Layout Options with effects(HTML5/jQuery)
  • Follows CSS and PHP Coding Standards
  • Cross browser compatible with all major browsers
  • Fast page load speed
  • W3c Validate

CMS stands for Content Management System (CMS) - and basically, that means that you can manage your own content, through an administration system (or "backend") that is part of your website. This website is the perfect solution for most small businesses.

Changes take place immediately, and can be checked for compliance to ensure that rules for text length and filtered words are followed.

This means that users can literally type in new text, upload new pictures, do customization, and then just let the CMS handle how this is placed back on to the website. It is not possible for users to distract the formatting and general look of the website, and means that the content is always as up-to-date as required without effect the website design.

The great advantage of a content management system (or CMS) is that you can quickly and easily make changes to your website at any time. You don't need to go to a web designer or buy and then learn how to use complex web design software. You can ADD a new page, DELETE a page, or EDIT a page. You can upload documents, pictures, add links to other websites, and edit the formatting of the page. And, you can do it from any computer connected to the internet, anywhere in the world! You can change one word, or the whole page. Just click "save" and the change is immediately live. A content management system is just like using a word processor!

Once you have a CMS on your website, you are in complete control - and your website can be as large as you want it to be. You can keep adding pages until you run out of things to say! Search engines love it when your website is regularly updated - and a CMS means you can do it yourself, as often as you like, for free!

Specific advantages :

Global changes can be made to the website quickly and simply. The data on your website is kept as up-to-date as required. Users see a clean and professional website, which reflect well on the company You do not have to wait for internal or external web developers to make changes to the website Your website is kept scalable, so that it can grow as you require in the future. Changes to the website can be de-centralized and made from any internet connection as required.

Content Management - Key Features :

No technical skills needed - There's no need for you or your colleagues to learn any new software. You simply make the changes to your website online as and when you need to and then view the changes instantly.

Update your website from any where - Update your website instantly from anywhere in the world on any PC! Make corrections and changes quickly and easily, add text quickly and easily, insert pictures, even add Word documents and PowerPoint presentations to your website as and when you wish. (access to the application via password and user name).

Instant corrections - Making corrections, adding copy or files is fast and easy with our completely browser based, online HTML WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) Editing, if you or your users can use Microsoft Word, then you can use Online CMS!

No FTP - Powerful and easy to use file manager gives you more control over your website. Upload files directly from your hard drive, copy, rename and delete files. No need for FTP!

Access levels- Allow multiple users to work on your website give them different access levels and permissions.

Link Management - Create links to internal pages and external websites quickly and easily, user interface allows simple point and click to create hyperlinks.

Training - Is fast and easy

Code Mode - If you have the skills switch to code mode, allows you to directly edit your html code from your browser! Complete HTML and XHTML output.

Features include:

  • Flexible workflow procedures
  • Ability to repurpose the same content to a variety of page templates for different audiences
  • Online interactive calendar
  • Document management system
  • Easy to use Word-like editor
  • Powerful search facility
  • Easily integrated with a multi-part email newsletter

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